Monday, January 14, 2008

Top 10 things that were pretty awesome this past weekend

The following list isnt actually in any particular order, if it were #5 would be #1.  
1. Going to The Abbey twice in the same 24 hour day
2. 3 birthday parties being celebrated among the maximum capacity of approximately 20 people that The Abbey can hold
3. 11 cars parked in our front yard
4. M5
5. Strippers are normal people too (sorta)
6. Blonde mohawk
7. Patriots win again
8. American Psycho bonanza
9. Not getting arrested for DTP
10. The fact that this was just another typical weekend and that theres no reason to believe that next weekend is going to be any different.

1 comment:

Colin said...

I just want to clarify that it was not I who wrote this post, you know, 'cause of that Patriots comment.