Friday, November 8, 2013

Now You Don't See It. Now You Do.

The Dutch love their bikes, but wearing helmets cramps their cheesy Euro style. Like, you can hardly rock a mohawk with a helmet crushing its spikes, right? Some Dutch chicks invented something they're calling an "invisible helmet," which it is not. The brand name is Hövding. That translates roughly to "Head Smash Pillow Inflater Thingy." Should be easy for everyone to pronounce at least.

Hövding is an airbag for your head. I assume it has gyroscopes, whatever those are, that sense when you've gone airborne or inverted and then deploys the airbag. It probably does a better job of cushioning your brain from trauma than a traditional helmet, but if you can afford a $550 helmet (399 euros), you can probably afford a car, which is like a helmet for your entire body and protects all of it. See what I did there? I just said this was kind of stupid, in spite of being kind of awesome.

Btw, I don't even know for a fact that they're Dutch, but they seem like they are. I should check the website for clues, but I don't feel like it.

The End.


Anonymous said...

They are definitely not Dutch, sounds Scandinavian. Norway, Denmark or Sweden maybe.

Colin said...

Yeah they're definitely Swedish! What the hell?! I'm going to get to the bottom of this and hold all responsible parties accountable! Obama style, baby.

Estate Photograhy said...

This is pretty awesome! :-)