Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Japanese Pop Star of the Future

I heard about this from WWTDD, who read it on Joe Rogan's Twitter. This is the first I've heard, but apparently there's a 3-D hologram named Hatsune Miku that is now a huge star in Japan. The Japanese are so weird. It's so awesome. I lived there for 3 months in 2002 and it's like being on a different planet. I loved it, don't get me wrong, and people often experience "reverse culture shock" when they return to their home countries after a prolonged stay there. Upon returning to the U.S., I experienced a rather annoying phase during which I would say "you know, in Japan..." about how much better practically everything was over there.

Here is a video of one of "her" performances, along with an enthusiastic crowd. Her singing voice is created with a computer program. I suppose this isn't much different than loving a cartoon character, like Homer Simpson, for example. I have said many times that I wish he were a real person and I were friends with him.

The concert footage of Hatsune Miku sort of reminds me of the Floston, Paradise shows in The Fifth Element.

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