Thursday, August 2, 2007

Family Guy is Kinda Like South Park, NO, It's Kinda Like the Simpsons

The Simpsons is the greatest television show of all time. I loved the Sopranos, but it's not quite as good. I am hoping to see the Simpsons movie soon, and I read a review of it in USA Today (they gave it out on the plane, that's why I read what should normally be used for wrapping breakable items to be shipped or for wiping your butt) that gave it 4 stars. So, it should probably be pretty awesome.

Here is proof that Family Guy is far inferior to The Simpsons. I'm sorry if you are a friend of mine and like Family Guy. There are many of you. In this regard, I regret to say that you are mentally deficient. They might be able to do a PET scan and determine exactly what is wrong with you, but this video evidence might just do the trick -

Ok, ok, I'll give you that the "zip zop zoopity bop" part is pretty funny.

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